Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Hope Guidance Lesson 
By: Evan Kruschke, Meaghan Logan & Lauren Mills

This guidance lesson is intended to address the theme of Hope and the importance for students to have hope in their own lives for themselves and others. This lesson works to teach students about hope, apply it to their personal life, identify why it is important to them, and give them time to practice using hope in everyday scenarios. The theme of hope is incredibly personal for each individual, and we aim for our lesson to give flexibility for students to view it in their own way.
Resources/Supplies needed:
        Blank bookmarks
        Worksheets about hope

Overview of Guidance Lesson:
        Explain a school counselor's’ role to the students and explain why we are visiting their classroom that day. 
        Introduce the concept of Hope and activate students’ previous knowledge about Hope.
        “Who thinks they know what hope is?”
        “Can anyone tell us when you might need to have hope?”
        “What does it mean to have hope?”
        “How can we demonstrate hope in our lives?”
        “Who are people we know that show hope?”
        Define Hope
        Create anticipation: Getting students excited for the lesson: We are so excited to teach you about Hope and hear your ideas! If you share an answer you will get a piece of candy!

Developmental learning activities:
This lesson can be adapted to any grade level K-8. Here are a few activity options to teach students the concept of hope!
Draw it out:  Give students time (10-12 min) of a time they were hopeful at school. Counselor can walk around and offer support to generate ideas, more support needed for younger students. Then select a few students from the group to present their poster to the class and posters will be hung up/left for the teacher to use if they want!          

For Kindergarten-2nd grade classes: Read the short poem and give them time to decorate their bookmarks (example below). Additional activity can include, “What Do You Hope For?” worksheets.
 Poem: “Hope is believing your dreams will come true, It’s knowing you’ll be successful in all that you do. You will need to work hard and have patience too, but when you have HOPE each day is brand new!”

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It’s what the sunflowers do.” ~ Helen Keller

 For 3rd grade and up: Break into small groups and give them a scenario, ask them to work together to come up with a skit/role play of how they would show hope in each scenario.
Scenario Ideas: Someone who is struggling with an assignment, someone has a family member who is sick, someone who did not get chosen for their favorite game at recess/PE, etc.

Closing and follow up/ Assessment:
        Give students a recap of activities we did during the lesson and what we learned today
        Ask students to share out their favorite new thing they learned today
        Throughout the lesson we will ask thumbs/thumbs down questions to check for understanding

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Conscience Guidance Lesson

Grade level: K-8th

Lilia Hueso, Lindsey Earl, and Kyle Johnson

Rationale and clear purpose for the unit or lesson (it’s a summary of your group planning): Students will understand and be able to explain conscience. Pre and post-assessments will show students’ growth through students writing and verballing telling what the definition of conscience is.  Activities such as scenarios, art projects, and poems will be utilized to demonstrate an understanding of conscience.  Students will be able to recognize their conscience and be able to act on it.  To achieve the learning objective, there will be consistent checking for understanding, through simple thumbs up and various activities.  We will know students have met the learning objectives through how they define conscience and are able to apply it to the different areas.

Applicable ASCA standard(s), objective(s), competency(ies): 
“Students will…” (e.g.: Students will understanding the relationship between learning and work).
Identify specific standards (found in your ASCA green book).

B-SMS 1: Students will demonstrate the ability to assume responsibility.
B-SMS 2: Students will demonstrate self-discipline and self-control.
B-SS 5: Students will demonstrate ethical decision-making and social responsibility.

Christian Living Curriculum objective(s) and competency(ies): 

Identify healthy choices that promote well-being (e.g. exercises, good nutrition, laughter, relationships, prayer, meditation, communal faith life).
Recognize how emotion affect one’s sense of well-being.
Demonstrate the ability to advocate for oneself and on behalf of others.
Evaluate personal behavior as appropriate, inappropriate, safe, or dangerous.
Explain reasons for having and following rules and regulations.
Explain the role of conscience formation in making moral decisions.

Developmental Learning Activities designed to meet the objective(s)

What are the activities? Activities for the counselor? Activities for the student?

The Treasure Map Activity comprises most of the entire guidance lesson.  It is introduced at the start of the lesson, and guides the rest of the lesson with other activities for students, such scenarios, a poem, and drawing.

How do these activities meet the objectives of the lesson?

Each activity explores conscience through a different aspect of Multiple Intelligences.  They guide students to think about what they would define conscience as and what their conscience tells them in a variety of circumstances.

Do the activities maintain the activity level of the students (keep them engaged)?

The overarching Treasure Map Activity provides a consistent goal through the entire lesson, acting as a game and challenge for students.  As previously stated, the activities vary and meet students who may learn through different Multiple Intelligences.

Cultural Considerations

Different cultures and families may have differing expectations on how to respond in different situations.  Because of this, people may have different action responses to the thoughts that their conscience provides.  Another cultural consideration is the religious aspect.  For our audience, it is appropriate to bring in religion, however in some environments, this wouldn’t be appropriate.

Developmental Tasks

The pre and post-tests are differentiated from the lower grades to the higher grades, as the writing level may get in the way of assessing the level of understanding of the topic focused on.


Possible stressors could include reading and writing levels, especially for younger grades or students at lower academic levels.  Another could be sharing in front of the class.


Treasure Map Activity:
Introduce Treasure Map Activity.   

Tell the class that we are talking about conscience, which is a lot like a map for our own lives.
Tell the class that we have an envelope filled with pieces of a treasure map, but we need their help to get the pieces all together.  In order to get each piece, there are tasks the class needs to complete.  Once a task is completed, tape the corresponding piece up in the correct order.  The tasks encompass the entire lesson, and include a variety of the following numbered parts.


1. What is conscience?
Activate previous knowledge: (remind students they already know    something about the topic)

K-2: Have students raise their hands if they know what conscience means, and call on students to answer:
“What is conscience?”
“What do you think of when you hear ‘conscience’?”

3-8: Hand out blank notecards to each student and have them write down their definition of “conscience” on it.

School Definition:

K-4th: “God helps us to choose to be good people”

5th-8th: “Conscience is the voice of God within us. A developed conscience helps us make decisions that support truly loving relationships.”

Our definition: “The feeling or voice inside you that helps push us towards what is right”

2. Scenario: 

Have the class discuss the following scenarios with a neighbor, then as a class:

K-2 “You see a classmate taking something from the teacher’s desk without asking”

3-7 “You are out shopping with your friends and see them take a toy and put it in their pocket”

8 “If your family was without food, and didn’t have the means to get more, would you steal a loaf of bread in order to feed your starving family? Why or why not?”

3.“The Voice” Poem

Pass out and read “The Voice” by Shel Silverstein

“There is a voice inside of you
that whispers all day long,
'I feel that this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong.'
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
or wise man can decide
what's right for you - just listen to
the voice that speaks inside.”

Ask questions:

“What words stick out to you?  Underline, circle, or highlight them.”

K-2: “Where does this voice come from?”

3-8: “Read the line ‘No teacher, preacher, parent, friend or wise man can decide what's right for you’ What feelings or thoughts do you have?”

4. Scenario: 

Have the class discuss the following scenarios with a neighbor, then as a class:

K-2 “Your classmate forgot their lunch. What does your conscience tell you to do?”

3-7 “You’re driving and pass by a man with a cardboard sign saying ‘Hungry,need food’.  What does your conscience tell you to do?”

8 “What is something your conscience is telling you to do in your community that needs attention?”

5. Fill in the blank for Bible verse:

“Therefore I do my ____ always to have a _____ __________ toward ____ and all _____” Acts 24:16

Answer: “Therefore I do my best always to have a clear conscience toward God and all people” Acts 24:16
Have conversation about what it means to have a “clear conscience toward God and all people”?

6. Art Activity:

Draw what you think your conscience looks like.

Pass out paper and have students draw individually

After all the map pieces are put up and put together, say that there is one more task that needs to be done before we find the treasure.

Closing and Follow up

Review the definition of “conscience” described earlier in the lesson.  Tell the class that the map is complete, and bring out candy as the “treasure”.  Pass out to each student (or give to teacher to distribute at their own time).


Have students fill in the blank on the bottom of the poem: “Conscience is __________”.


6 prepared map pieces, paper, pencils, coloring materials, candy.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Guidance Lesson: Empathy
Aleksey Fischer, Katalina Chacon, Kelly McCarthy, Megan Steilen

Image result for empathy    The guidance lesson is geared toward K-8 students. The lesson focuses on empathy and the impact it has in our lives. What is empathy? How do we show empathy? What is the difference between empathy and sympathy? Students will explore what empathy looks, and learn to show empathy in their own lives. In the form of scenarios, students will be challenged to truly see with the eyes of another, listen with the ears of another, and feel with the heart of another.

Guidance Lesson
Topic: Empathy
Grade Level: K-8

Rationale and clear purpose for the unit or lesson: The students are to learn about empathy in order to understand how to show empathy in their daily lives. It is important for students to understand what it is like to be in someone else's’ shoes so that they can better help others through whatever struggles.

Applicable ASCA standard(s), objective(s), competency(ies):
  • B-SS 2. Create positive and supportive relationships with other students       
  • B-SS 3. Create relationships with adults that support success
  • B-SS 4. Demonstrate empathy
  • B-SS 9. Demonstrate social maturity and behaviors appropriate to the situation and environment
Image result for empathy showing
  • Overview/Objectives:
    • The purpose of this lesson is to teach students the importance of showing empathy. The objective is for students to learn the definition of empathy and identify ways to be understanding of others struggles.

  • Activate previous knowledge:
    • Ask students what they know about empathy.
    • Write ideas on the board as the students are sharing out.
    • Ask students how they have experienced empathy in their own lives.
    • Read book to younger kids.

  • Create anticipation - encourage learning:
    • Encourage students to remain mindful during activities and lesson.
    • Encourage students to engage in respectful conversation with one another.

Developmental Learning Activities designed to meet the objective(s):
  • Share definition of empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
    • Empathy is also like seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another.
  • For 3-8, differentiate between empathy and sympathy - first, ask students if they know the difference between the two.
    • Image result for empathyRole play an example for the class - have someone (school counselor) share out that they are feeling very sad because their dog ran away.
      • Have one school counselor reply with “Well, at least you have another dog.”
      • Have another school counselor reply with “I am so sorry. I am not sure what you’re feeling, but I am here for you.”
      • Ask students which response was empathetic/sympathetic.
  • For K-2 students will read a book “Stand in My Shoes” by Bob Sornson, then split into 2 groups. Grades 3-8 students will be put into 3 groups. Each group will be given a scenario.  Each scenario will have a pair of shoes next to it that corresponds to the scenario.
  • Have a school counselor read the scenario for grades K-2. For grades 3-8 have one student read the scenario out loud. (see scenarios below)
  • Each group will spend 5-8 minutes reading/discussing a scenario.
    • What does the person feel? How would you feel? Open discussion
  • Groups will rotate to the next scenario and continue discussion.
  • Bring everyone together. Have students share their experience. What is empathy?
  • Considerations: scenarios may provoke strong emotions. School counselors should be aware and look out for students.

  • At the end of the lesson, we will ask the students three things that they learned today in order to assess if they understand what empathy is.

Closing and Follow-up:
  • Thank you so much for learning with us today! Today we talked about empathy and did some pretty cool activities.
  • Ask three things they learned today.
  • Image result for empathyBring back the definition.. “Remember… Empathy is also like seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another.”
  • Challenge them to show empathy for others.

  • Attached scenarios to prompt empathy discussion
  • Book - “Stand in My Shoes” by Bob Sornson
  • Three pairs of shoes

  • K-5:
  • Example A: At recess, you notice Tommy getting teased by a bully because of his new haircut. The bully keeps calling him names and Tommy looks like he is about to cry. The bell rings to signal that recess is over and Tommy walks by you towards the classroom, wiping tears from his eyes. How is Tommy feeling? What would you say to Tommy?
  • Example B: Jane just moved from England and is a new student at the school. When the teacher asks Jane to tell the class about herself, you hear some classmates laughing at her accent (the way she talks). Jane’s face gets red and she is clearly embarrassed. At lunch, you notice that Jane is sitting alone at the lunch table and you go over to talk with her. How is Jane feeling? What would you say to Jane?
  • Example C: Jimmy notices his mom is crying.  Jimmy then finds out that his mom just lost her job and is feeling nervous about how she will buy food for Jimmy and his brother and sister.  How is Jimmy feeling? How is his mom feeling? What could Jimmy say to his mom?
  • Example D: You come home and find your little sister going through your things in your room. You get angry and ask her what she is doing. She starts to cry and says she can’t find her favorite stuffed animal. You know that it’s not in your room and tell her she can’t go through your things without asking. She sits down on the floor and cries even harder. She says she won’t be able to sleep without her favorite stuffed animal, even though she has a lot of other stuffed animals. You go into her room to look for her favorite and cannot find it. You come back to your room and sit on the floor with her. What would you say to your sister?
  • Example E: At recess, Sally and her friends were playing kickball.  Sally has been practicing kickball a lot lately because she wants to do the best she can.  After a very close game, Sally’s team won! Sally is smiling and jumping up and down.  How do you think Sally is feeling? What could you say to Sally?
Grades 6-8
  • Example A: John, an eighth grader at All Saints Middle School, has always dreamed of playing baseball in high school.  He practices for four hours a day, everyday, in hopes of making the varsity team next year.  Today John was playing soccer at recess and slipped and broke his leg.  What do you think John feels like walking into class? What is an example of an empathetic response you could give John tomorrow as he walks into class on crutches.
  • Example B: Sandy is a sophomore at Central Valley High School.  She is very excited for the school dance tonight, and has a few friends she plans to get ready and go with.  On the way to the dance, Sandy tells one of her friends that she might ask Larry to dance, and hopes he would want to.  Once they arrive at the dance, Sally asks Larry to dance, and he responds back with “No way Sandy”.  Sally turns around, and walks back to her friends, tears in her eyes.  What is Sally feeling? As Sally’s friends, how could you show empathy?
  • Example C: Louis is an incoming freshman at Gonzaga University, and originally from Florida.  Yesterday he flew in with his parents from Florida to Spokane, and today they are going to help him move into his dorm room. After two hours of unpacking, his parents both give him a hug and say their goodbyes.  As Louis’s roommate, you are seeing how hard this is on him.  What do you think he is feeling right ?  What is a way you could show empathy?  
  • Example D: Kate put on her new pair of shoes this morning. She was excited to wear them to school. While in class, another student notices her new shoes and makes fun of her. What is Kate feeling? What would you say to Kate?

The best way to teach empathy is to show empathy. Model what empathy looks like to students throughout the guidance lesson whenever possible. Be very mindful of the grade level when introducing this lesson. Incorporate a video about empathy into the lesson if technology is available.

Helpful Tips
Remember to always be mindful of each student’s, personal struggles and sensitive to cultural backgrounds. Scenarios can be built around each school’s climate for best responses. Consider the classroom layout and size for best scenario rotations. In advance, briefly discuss the topic with the teacher, take any feedback and make accommodations as needed. Bringing in a variety of shoes for each scenario makes the scenario more real. Allow students enough time to discuss each scenario.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Behavior Management in Middle School


Behaviors Commonly Present
Puberty: self-esteem, self-doubt or emotional regulation struggles
Social Aspect: peer pressure, friendships, dating
Independence: parent-child power struggles
Confusion: body, future, self-concept, identity
Social Media Use

High Risk Behaviors
Experimentation: sexual activities, drugs, alcohol
Rule breaking
Eating disorders

Strength-based Strategies 
1.      Building and maintaining meaningful and positive faculty-student relationships based on trust, care, and support. 
a.      Match the student's language. Demonstrate interest and confidence in the student as a person. Be available. Validate feelings.  
2.      Find the exceptions. 
3.      Clearly communicate expectations, rules, procedures, etc.  
4.      Externalize the behavior.  
a.      Encourage ownership of actions and problem solve with the student.  
5.      Develop high expectations and promote opportunities to contribute.