Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Guidance Lesson: Recognizing and Maintaining Healthy Friendships in Middle School

Topic: Recognizing and Maintaining Healthy Friendships

Grade Level: 7th & 8th grade

Rationale and clear purpose for the unit or lesson:

The characteristics of one’s friends influence so many aspects of who one becomes. A student’s friends often predict what that student gets involved with, how he or she thinks of himself or herself, and who else a student spends time and energy with. Middle school is a pivotal time for students in both their development of friendships and their susceptibility to the pitfalls of peer pressure and other negative consequences related to the pursuit of identity. For these reasons, the guidance lesson will cause students to consider aspects of a healthy friendship and then learn to identify those characteristics or their lack in real life scenarios they may face.

Applicable standard(s), objective(s), competency(ies):  

Students will develop a knowledge of the factors and characteristics involved in friendship that is strengthening and beneficial. They will be able to identify those characteristics in situations they may come across in both middle school and high school. This will develop leadership and beliefs in the students which align with the ASCA National Model.


  • popsicle stick
  • colored glue
  • glue
  • cupcakes
  • white board
  • dry erase pens 


Overview: Students will identify characteristics of a healthy friendship and learn to recognize both healthy and unhealthy friendship in action.

Activate previous knowledge: Begin by asking the students for words which come to mind when think what it means to be a good friend and writing those words on the board. Ask the following questions: Why is it important to have healthy friendships? What are the benefits to good friends? What are the consequences of bad friends? What’s the difference between a friend and an acquaintance?

Developmental Learning Activities designed to meet the objective(s):

We are bringing cupcakes in to class and will pass them out at this time, saying “You probably haven’t had cupcakes in class like this since elementary school. Let’s go back to kindergarten for a moment: how did you make friends then?” We will then talk about how the students go about forming friendships at their current middle school level.

After we have talked about what it means to be a good friend, each student will receive three popsicle stick paddles with green, yellow, or red circles on them. Read friendship scenarios concerning a variety of topics. Students will have some time to think and then be asked to hold up the traffic light they think represents friendship status in that situation. There will be four of each “light” scenario. A green light means the friendship is healthy, a yellow light means one should be wary, and a red light means the friendship is unhealthy. Process each and talk about how each responses may be accurate. These activities represent the objective of the lesson because they are taking the real life characteristics we just talked about and applying them to actual situations they may come across.

The activity will keep the students engaged because the different components affect them in different ways. The stop lights give them something physical to hold in their hands, but they will also be considering questions that will require thought and consideration of their own friendships. 


End the lesson by restating what we occurred. Recap the discussion about friendship in early elementary school and then friendship at their current level. Ask “What will you look for in friendships at the high school level? What about beyond even high school?” By considering the future, assess whether the students have learned the objectives and will make positive choices regarding friends looking forward. And, of course, we will have cupcakes.

Closing & Follow-Up:

As a closing activity, invite students to scroll through their picture albums on their phones (at a later time). Ask them to look at the pictures with each of their friends and to think in the red, yellow, or green light mentality. How does each of those friends make the student feel? How is each of those friends affecting the student’s time, motivation, values, and identity?

Appendix A: Example Scenerios


You have a huge Spanish exam coming up this week and are stressing out about doing well on it. You have been confused with the material and are worried about passing the class. During lunch, your friends realize that something is on your mind and ask you what’s bothering you. When you tell them you are worried about doing well on the Spanish test later this week and they all listen attentively. After you are done sharing, they offer to form a study group to help quiz each other on the Spanish vocabulary and grammar that will be on the exam. 
During the summer before 8th grade you went to a theatre camp and ended up loving it! This fall, you want to try out for the school play. You are worried that your friends will stop hanging out with you because you are choosing new activities. When you tell them that you want to try out for the play, they are excited and supportive of your new interests. 


Your best friend has started eating lunch with someone different. Whenever you ask to join, they say yes but are cold and do not include you in their conversations. When you and your best friend hand out after school, she is friendly and acts normal. 
You confide in your friend Sarah that you have a crush on the new boy in class but want to keep it a secret. Sarah ends up telling your mutual friend Brittany about your new crush who eventually tells him that you like him. During lunch, he comes up to you and asks you if the rumor is true. You are immediately embarrassed so you say no and run up to Sarah. She says she didn’t mean to tell your other friends and apologizes for spreading your secret.  


In your friend group, you constantly are the subject of jokes and put downs. It makes you feel unhappy and small when they all are talking about you in a demeaning way. When you confront them, they brush it off and tell you not to take it so seriously. However, they do not change their actions and always talk negatively about you when you are all hanging out. 
When you hang out with your friend James he is always talking about himself and what he wants to do. He rarely asks about your day or how your family is getting along. You two always play his favorite video game and watch the TV shows he needs to catch up on. When you suggest something you want to do, he always shoots it down and offers a better suggestion. When you tell him how you feel, he disregards your statement and quickly moves on. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Strategies to Create a Safe Nurturing School Climate

Students will spend a majority of their life in school, they will learn how to be social with peers, expand their minds, challenge themselves like never before and be independent for the first time from their parents. As school turns into a second home it is extremely important to cherish those minds so they may flourish. Creating a safe school climate allows students to reach higher and ultimately push the boundaries. Not only should this climate be productive for students, teachers, administration and parents need security and nourishment to flourish. A successful school climate looks like an environment where students, administration, teachers and parents can cohesively work and support one another in a safe, nurturing and respectful environment. School climate can be represented by the attitude of staff, physical aesthetics of the building and culture of a building. It is the character of a school including norms, values, morals, relationships, interpersonal relationships, teachings and practices.

Key Elements in Creating a Nourishing School Climate


  • Bullying Prevention
  • Clear communication between staff in regards to students
  • Calming corners
  • Mindfulness
  • Support all students’ growth
  • Support individuality
  • Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies
  • Supportive community
  • Encouragement 


  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • School Plays/Music/Performances open to parents
  • Parent teacher conferences
  • Phone calls home for positive behavior
  • Postcard home for positive behavior
  • Parent University (classes for parents)
  • Clear open communication between parents and faculty


  • Individual Counseling
  • Group Counseling (blurting, being kind)
  • Guidance Lessons (yoga, mindfulness, brain, Kelso’s choice, empathy) 
  • Referrals to community resources
  • Supporting life achievements
  • Faculty parties
  • Professional Development classes
  • Intentional seating placements for students
  • Collaboration Between BI & Special Education
  • Healthy Habits (Mind, Body, Food)
  • T24 (Every Student is Capable of Post-Secondary Education)
  • Problem Solving Strategies
  • After school activities with mentors Campus Kids - ZagDance
  • School Closet & Supplies & Food
  • Open communication between staff
  • Refrain from subgrouping
  • Offer support to other faculty
  • Be accountable

Faculty Intervention Strategies: 
As leaders in the school building teachers, administration and counselors need to understand students are always watching us. How we handle a crisis will mirror how they handle it. If students are struggling faculty have options and choices in how to proceed. Discipline may not always be the answer, and taking a more positive approach may help the student deescalate quicker and be back in the classroom learning ready. Students and faculty alike feed off of one another’s energy and by implementing some of the suggested strategies above, students faculty and parents can work towards harmony and cohesion.

Picture References: 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Strategies to Promote Nurturing, Safe and Inclusive Schools

According to ASCA, school climate is the “quality and character of a school”. In a warm school climate, the school's “norms, values and expectations support all students feeling socially, emotionally and physically safe” (ASCA, 2015). Climate improvement must be inclusive of the entire school community, from staff members to parents to students. In regards to staff, this can be as simple as developing a social committee that celebrates special events in staff member’s lives (baby showers, birthdays, etc). For parents, educational workshops such as Love and Logic or phone calls home to celebrate success can help parents to feel supported. For students, the celebration of achievements and school spirit can vastly improve how students view their school. Efforts to improve school climate must look beyond students to include those that support them within the larger school community.

Key Elements of Warm School Climate

  • Targeted behavior and academic interventions
  • Bullying prevention
  • Support for all student's potential 
  • Multiple opportunities for student engagement
  • Recognition of student achievements 
  • Staff support for student's physical & emotional health (nurses, counselors, para-educators, etc.)
  • Opportunities for family involvement and education
  • Clear lines of communication between staff members and parents. 

Suggestions for Mitigating Risk and Promoting Resilience

Schools can develop systems that are preventative and teach students to persevere in spite of obstacles. Listed below are suggestions to mitigate risk and promote resilience in students:
  • School-Wide Bullying Intervention. This may involve guidance lessons, strict consequences for bullying that are clearly communicated and bully prevention training for staff and parents.
  • Depression Screening & Referral. Screening is a great way to target students for counseling that may otherwise fall through the cracks. Students needing extra support can be referred to outside counseling services as necessary. Parents must be involved in this.
  • Use of an RTI model. RTI models (at right) provide a stair step model for staff use when selecting interventions. Interventions become more targeted as students move up the ladder.
  • Restorative Justice and Skill Building. Rather than disciplining students through traditional methods (detention, reprimands), students can attend an after school program in which they are given the tools to change their behaviors.
The School Counselor’s Role in Developing a Warm School Climate

Traditionally, school counselors do the following to promote a warm school climate:
  • Individual Counseling
  • Group Counseling
  • Guidance lessons (ex. healthy habits, mindfulness, goal setting)
  • Intentional class placements where students are at the right level and have the support to succeed
  • Referrals to community resources (to meet basic needs, counseling)
  • Career or college exploration

Innovative Ideas to Improve Climate

School counselors can be innovators. They can suggest and implement strategies that have never been used in their schools. The following strategies can be used to promote resilience within school communities and to turn up the school temperature: 

Guidance Lessons about Grit: Teach students about how one's mindset can determine future success. Use activities to teach students to have a growth mindset. A great lesson can be found here.
Workshops for Parents: Offer optional classes to parents that provide parenting strategies on topics from stress management to motivation to helping children to make smart choices. A great example of classes for parents can be found here.
Yoga class: Yoga classes can teach students about emotional regulation and mindfulness techniques. 
Climate Committee: Student, parent and staff representatives can meet together to participate in projects to improve the school climate. Projects this group may focus on may include anonymous acts of kindness around campus, beautification projects and welcoming new students.


In order for a school to be functional, students, staff and parents must feel safe and welcome. When students in particular do not feel safe, their ability to learn is jeopardized. Strategies that focus on giving students, staff and parents skills to cope and make good choices are key in creating change. All members of school communities must be targeted in order for school climate interventions to be truly effective.

ASCA (2015). School climate: Fostering student development [Web site]. Retrieved from development/2015-webinar-series/webinar-learn-more-pages/school-climate
C Miller. (2015, September 10). Getting gritty with 8th grade [Web log post]. Retrieved from 
Love and Logic Institute. (2015). Love and Logic [Web site]. Retrieved from

Image Resources

Monday, November 9, 2015

Guidance Lesson: Verbal Bullying in Middle School or upper Elementary School

This lesson plan focuses on the awareness and impact words have on people.  All students have trigger words or experiences that can be hurtful to them, and this lesson aims to show students that everyone has been bullied or hurt by something someone else has said to them.  Hurtful words can be intentionally or unintentionally said, and a goal of this lesson is to show kids it is important to think before you speak.  This lesson is meant to teach students to be in tune with their own emotions of when they have been bullied or hurt by someone else.  In being aware of their own emotions, they can use that feeling to be empathetic towards others.  In doing so, they will know not to bully, stand up against bullies, stand up for others they see getting bullied, and promote and spread kindness.  This lesson will highlight that individually we all have differences - good and bad - that make us unique.  Even though we are all different, we are all part of this community (school, class, grade, etc.)

Grade Level: 6th Grade


  • A whiteboard to write on
  • Something to play a video on
  • the song “Shake it off”
  • Scratch paper
  • 2 containers to collect pieces of paper in
  • 1 container to hold the bracelets
  • A poster board and tape
  • Kindness bracelets

Applicable Standard(s) Objective(s) Competency(ies)

  • The effects bullying has on each other.
  • Standing up for others against bullies.
  • Standing up for yourself against bullies.
  • Benefits of spreading kindness.

  • Prepare the lesson space by writing “shake it off” at the top of the white board. Tell the students, “Today, we will be discussing the impact words have on each other.”
  • Begin lesson by asking the students to write down on 2 separate pieces of paper “what is the meanest thing anyone has ever said to you/called you?” and “what is something you love about yourself?” 
    • tell the kids this is completely anonymous so they do not have to worry about their names being linked to what they say.
  • Collect the papers in separate baskets/tubs 
  • Play “Stand Up, Stand Strong: The Consequence of Words” YouTube video
Learning Activities
  • After the video, ask the students to think about how they feel from watching the video. take out the negative comments and write them on the board under the words, “shake it off.”
    • After writing the words on the board, ask the students open-ended questions about the video to promote class discussion “how did that video make you feel?” “what are your thoughts on the video?” etc. 
    • Talk to kids about the words/phrases on the board.  Ask them what they think of the words up there.  Ask the kids to raise their hand if they see anything on there that they might have said to someone where they were not trying to insult them (raise your own hand too to show that we have even said things we did not mean to hurt someone by).
  • Discuss how words can have a positive or a negative connotation.
    • Begin transition into discussing positivity and how good words can be influential with your peers.  How we have all had something said to us that hurt our feelings, but we can also say things that make each other feel better too. 
  • Have the class form a circle.
    • Explain that during this activity, students will go around the circle one at a time and say a compliment to the person to their right.  When a student says a compliment to their classmate, they will receive a kindness bracelet. 
    • Ask for a volunteer to start the kind words contagion, and hand them the basket of bracelets.
    • Process of the kindness cognition: a student compliments their classmate to the right → they take a kindness bracelet → you (the counselor) erases a mean phrase from the board → the student passes the basket of bracelets on, and the next student compliments the classmate to their right, until everyone in the circle has had a compliment, has a bracelet, and all the mean words are erased from the board.
    • Once the kindness has come full circle, explain that the kindness contagion shouldn’t just be contained to the classroom, but spread outside to friends, family, acquaintances, etc. Ask the students how it feels to give a compliment.  How it feels to receive a compliment. Ask the kids if they have noticed how everyone is smiling, happy, laughing - read your audience - since they have given and received compliments.
    • Explain the bracelets: 
      • You are now the owner of a step up, be kind bracelet.  The purpose of this bracelet is to wear it and when you witness someone doing something kind, you acknowledge their kindness by giving them the bracelet and telling them what they did was very kind.  Tell them to keep the bracelet until they see someone doing something kind, and pass it onto them.  This way we can keep promoting kindness in our community and even to strangers who we see displaying random acts of kindness. 
  • Show the kindness poster and discuss how everyone has something they love about themselves.  Everyone is a unique individual with great qualities and together they all form a community (class, school, grade, whatever community you wish to address).  As a community they can work together to keep kindness spreading and advocate against saying mean things.
  • Tell the students to stand up, and play the song “Shake it Off” by Taylor Swift to end the guidance lesson with a 30 second dance party.
  • Leave the students with a reminder to “shake off” mean comments, stand up for yourself and others, and spread kindness.
Closing & Follow-Up: 
  • Challenge the students to say something kind to someone they see in each new environment they enter, ex. on the bus, at the grocery store, etc.  Have them pay attention to the smile they put on that individuals face and the good feeling they felt after saying something kind.
  • Challenge students to acknowledge when they witness strangers promoting kindness by passing their bracelets on, and encouraging that stranger to do the same.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Role of a School Counselor: The Support We Provide

Support Systems
An important factor in being an effective school counselor is having a strong mutual support system between the community, the school district, colleagues, parents and most importantly a support for all students.  A school counselor must be able to understand and be aware of the of a student’s need both inside and outside of school in order to facilitate a supportive environment.  Two key support systems that positively impact a school counselor’s role while also addressing student needs is to providing support colleagues in the building and a student’s parents/guardians.

Support to Colleagues
School counselors not only have an obligation to the students they serve in their school, but also to the colleagues in their building and district.  School counselors have a large and impactful role in a school that can at times be overwhelming. School counselors are faced with many ethical dilemmas that may not have a clear-cut answer. During these times, it’s important for school counselors to rely on their team and reach out for help. Each colleague has a wealth of information and can offer insight and new perspectives on situations. All school counselors come into the profession with their own level of knowledge and expertise. Individually school counselors may feel like they have to be the expert on all situations and may feel inadequate if they are not able to provide a solution. Collectively however, school counselors can combine their knowledge and resources to support their students. Creating a collaborative environment that is centered on teamwork will build a caring and welcoming atmosphere modeling the behavior they expect from their students.

Support to Guardians/Parents

Parents and guardians are the guiding voice in their child’s lives and it’s important for school counselors to understand the importance of parent involvement. When a school counselor provides support to parents it has a positive effect on the relationship between the child and parent. Support to parents/guardians can range from one-on-one sessions, parenting workshops and school assemblies. When parents are provided the resources they need to become more involved parents, school counselors may see the improvement of a student’s well-being. Parents, just as much as students, need support from staff at the school. Depending on the needs of the community, workshops for parents could range from awareness of social media trends to understanding how parents can become more involved in school activities. School counselors can bring in outside resources and experts to speak with the parents during workshops. The most important aspect of parenting workshops is to help the parents/guardians become enthusiastic about their child’s education. When parents feel more confident and involved with their child’s education the child will likely emulate the same emotions.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Guidance Lesson: Introduction to the Brain & Identifying Emotions - Elementary School

This guidance lesson will help students form connections and a better understanding of how their brain is functioning and regulating their emotions. Students will have an opportunity to visually see emotions and connect those feelings to what parts of the brain are triggered. These exercises will provide students with physical movement; a visual display and sensory triggers that will help remind them when they are in a “feelings” state and how they can deescalate themselves while having an understanding of what is happening in their brain.

Counselor will give students a written form or assessment that tests their knowledge from the guidance lesson. On the assessment students will try to connect facial recognition with upstairs brain or downstairs brain. In addition students will have a physical exercise that may help remind them what “learning ready” or “flip your lid” looks like.

Grade: 2nd Grade


  • Brain Poster
  • Pictures of People (Magazines work) in happy, mad and sad faces 
  • Poster or White board
  • Tape for pictures
  • Drawing of Brain - Upstairs and Downstairs split in the middle
  • Assessment sheet 

  1. Introduction:
    1. Ask students what they know about the brain 
    2. Present brain poster – go over the important parts (hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, amygdala)
      1. Have students repeat the parts of the brain
      2. Go over what each part does and give a scenario of that part in action 
      3. Introduce terms upstairs brain and downstairs brain
        1. Ask students if they have heard what upstairs brain means? 
        2. Ask students if they know what downstairs brain means? 
    1. Physical exercise Hand = Brain 
      1. Demonstrate to students how their fist can represent their brain 
      2. The fingers represent the “thinking part” of their brain the upstairs part of their brain (Learning Ready)  
      3. The thumb represents the amygdala 
      4. The index finger represents the prefrontal cortex
      5. When the brain is learning ready the brain looks like a tight fist with the thumb securely inside protected. (Happy, Learning Ready,Listening, Following Directions)  
      6. When students are in an emotional state and in their downstairs brain or not learning ready they have flipped their lid. The index fingers pop up leaving the thumb unprotected and wiggling. (Angry, Sad, Mad) 
    2. Visual Exercise 
      1. Counselor will introduce students to pictures of emotions and will ask if students can identify if the faces are in their downstairs brain or upstairs brain. (Happy, Sad, Mad)
    3. Visual Assessment 1:
      1. Students will be paired up and given pictures to decide whether or not the person in the photo is in their upstairs or downstairs brain 
      2. This exercise gives students an opportunity to see what different emotional states look like on different people of different genders and races. This is also helpful because not everyone’s “angry” face or “sad” face looks the same so students can have a wide array of visuals to use as examples.
    4. Assessment:
      1. Students are given a sheet where they identify with facial recognition whether the person in the picture is in their upstairs or downstairs brain. 


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